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REU Site: Trust and Reproducibility of Intelligent Computation

Applications are now welcome from undergraduate students at all levels (US Citizens, Permanent Residents) to be selected for a 10-week NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Traineeship held from May 27, 2025, till about August 2nd, 2025. The traineeship will be offered at the campus of the University of Utah, in the Kahlert School of Computing, located near the majestic Wasatch Mountain ranges. The application deadline is March 22, 2025, and we expect to fund only about 10 REUs. The selected students will earn a stipend of $7,200 for this period. Compensation for airfare, room and board are additional to this.

We will introduce our trainees to the basics of many exciting and crucially important computer science research areas such as High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, and Wireless Networking. The emphasis is on hands-on demonstrations of these technologies, and how trust and reproducibility are enhanced in these areas.

This opportunity is open to students early in their undergraduate career, and no research experience is required. We encourage applications from students of all backgrounds, hoping to enrich their experience with their joint presence at our beautiful campus.



We are glad to report that all our prior students did great work toward the REU Site. Three results stand out, in particular


In a broader sense, HPC is fundamental to grand-challenge issues ranging from Climate Research to Fighting Pandemics. ML plays a pivotal role in our day-to-day lives including in Medical Diagnosis from MRI Images all the way to Self-Driving Cars. ML also reduces or eliminates hours of HPC simulations by taking decisions based on data rather than laborious computations. Computer Networking is fundamental to the connected society. It also enables smart devices that will be in our pockets or in our cars to ``talk to each other.’’ We will introduce the trainees to methods that enhance the security and integrity of the communicated data.

The training imparted will cover not only in the aforesaid technical priority areas but also many ancillary areas including ethics, inclusivity, and microaggression management. There will be plenty of hands-on research projects, cohort-building activities, and (last but not least) fun social activities.

Activities in this REU site are sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) whose mission is to train tomorrow’s workforce in areas such as covered by this REU site.


For additional questions, please email (kindly do not send-in any personal information other than through the above site, and unless requested). There are also instructions provided at our REU Site: Trust and Reproducibility of Intelligent Computation listed within the NSF ETAP Portal